
ENGLISH: We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.

NORSK: Vi har nå fikset feilen. Takk for din tålmodighet.


ENGLISH: The login issue should now be resolved for most people. A few customers may still get an error message when trying to log in, typically "App initialization failed".

This can be solved by pressing "Try again" until you get the following message: "It looks like the app is having some issues starting. Try to delete the app's data and try again".

Then press the button that says "Delete" (scroll to the right).

You should then be able to log into the app. We sincerely apologize for any problems this error has caused, and we will implement the necessary measures to prevent this from happening again.

Instructions (with screenshots) here.

NORSK: Problemet med innlogging i app skal nå være løst for de fleste. I noen tilfeller kan man fortsatt få en feilmelding ved forsøk på innlogging, typisk "App initialization failed".

Dette løses ved å trykke "Try again" til man får følgende melding "It looks like the app is having some issues starting. Try to delete the app's data and try again".

Trykk da på knappen som sier "Delete" (scroll til høyre).

Deretter skal du kunne logge inn i app igjen. Vi beklager på det sterkeste for alle problemer denne feilen har medført, og vi vil gjennomføre nødvendige tiltak for å unngå at dette skjer igjen.

Instrukser (med skjermbilder) her.


ENGLISH: Please be informed that we are still investigating the issues. We are deeply sorry. We will keep you updated as soon as we know more.

NORSK: Vi undersøker fortsatt problemet. Vi beklager på det sterkeste. Vi holder deg oppdatert så snart vi vet mer.


ENGLISH: We have recently learned that some customers are experiencing issues with accessing the app. We are in the process of investigating this issue. We will keep you updated as soon as we know more.

NORSK: Vi har nylig fått vite at noen kunder opplever problemer med tilgang i appen. Vi er i gang med å undersøke dette problemet. Vi holder deg oppdatert så snart vi vet mer.

Began at:

Affected components
  • App
    • Futurehome App
    • Futurehome Safe Kontroll
    • Futurehome InstallerTool