We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience. // Vi har nå fikset feilen. Takk for din tålmodighet.
ENGLISH: We know some of you are currently getting a banner in the app that says "Action required, check alarm subscription". You can ignore this message. We have identified the cause and are working on fixing the issue. We will keep you updated as soon as we know more.
NORSK: Vi vet at flere for øyeblikket får opp et banner i appen som sier "Handling kreves, sjekk abonhomentstatus". Du kan se bort ifra denne meldingen. Vi har identifisert årsaken og jobber med å fikse problemet. Vi vil holde deg oppdatert så snart vi vet mer.
We’ll find your subscription and send you a link to login to manage your preferences.
We’ve found your existing subscription and have emailed you a secure link to manage your preferences.
We’ll use your email to save your preferences so you can update them later.
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{{ error }}
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