We have issues with fetching energy prices from NordPool


ENGLISH: We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.

NORSK: Vi har nå fikset feilen. Takk for din tålmodighet.


ENGLISH: We've fixed the core issue, and are monitoring the situation.

NORSK: Vi har løst hovedproblemet og monitorerer situasjonen.


ENGLISH: We found the issue, and expect the issue to be resolved within 2 hours.

NORSK: Vi har funnet problemet, og forventer å ha fikset problemet innen 2 timer.


ENGLISH: We have discovered that we are unable to fetch energy price data from Nordpool. We are working to correct this issue. Further updates will follow.

NORSK: Vi har oppdaget at vi ikke får hentet energipris data fra Nordpool. Vi jobber med å rette problemet. Oppdatering følger.

Began at:

Affected components
  • Smarthub
    • Automations engine
    • Monitoring and managing energy consumption