ENGLISH If you did perform login to the Futurehome app between October 30th and December 14th, please log out and login again to resolve the issue. Sorry for the inconvenience.
NORWEGIAN Hvis du logget inn i Futurehome appen mellom 30. Oktober og 14. Desember, må du logge ut, deretter logge inn i Futurehome appen for å løse problemet. Vi beklager til alle berørte.
ENGLISH Hi, we know some of you are currently experiencing issues receiving push notifications. If you did perform login to the Futurehome app between October 30th and December 14th, please log out and login again to resolve the issue. Sorry for the inconvenience.
NORWEGIAN Hei, vi vet at flere for øyeblikket opplever problemer med å motta push notifikasjoner/varslinger. Hvis du logget inn i Futurehome appen mellom 30. Oktober og 14. Desember, må du logge ut, deretter logge inn i Futurehome appen for å løse problemet. Vi beklager til alle berørte.
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